Our historical documentary series project is an excellent opportunity to earn MERIT with your support for facilitating the revitalisation of the Buddhacārikā (sacred footsteps of the Buddha) and for highlighting the invaluable contribution of Master Xuanzang in preserving this sacred Geography and History for posterity.
We are blessed to have taken this important initiative, but a gigantic Dharma work of this nature which involves huge expenses cannot be completed without the support of the devout and the Dharma Organisations. Therefore, we are looking forward to support and collaboration with Buddhist organisations and other interested people in completing this Dharma work in shape of this series of immense importance to the entire human society.
All the people supporting the project will earn great MERIT as they will be helping in the rejuvenation of the priceless footsteps of the Buddha himself. It is an irony that devout financially support the making of Stupas in a big way at the places associated with the Buddha, but similar kind of the support is not available for highlighting the priceless footsteps of the Buddha, which have lent the sanctity to the spots where these Stupas are made or are being made.
Therefore, our humble request to the devout and the Buddhist organisations is to help us in taking forward this Dharma work of immense importance for the entire Buddhist world. Your Collaboration and support can ensure smooth sailing of this project.
We are determined to take this Dharma work to its logical culmination come what may. May the blessings of all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas make everything go well and the Dharma spread out.
The project can be supported by sponsoring a complete episode, part of an episode or the complete series. Similarly, Collaboration can be done for a single or multiple episodes or the entire series. Slots are available for 16 episodes only as the one episode has already been made in English, Traditional and Simplified Chinese.
Union Bank of India
A\C No. – 510101005155583
We also provide consultancy for documentary films and film projects related to Buddhism and Indian Buddhist Heritage.
Please note that you may not send more than 10,000.00 (US Dollars) or an equivalent amount in a single transaction. Those people who are wanting to become Major Project Sponsors or want to Collaborate for making this series can send an email to smtalwar@firstframe.co.in or a WhatsApp message on: +91 9056225552.The details and terms of sponsorship or collaboration can be worked out. Alternatively one can also send us a message, for us to get back to you, by filling in the form below: